Kareena Kapoor Love Bites exposed with a smile
Dear Kareena, please mind to check on your back before wearing a backless gown and attending an event where media will do the needful to take you down in the eyes of your fans.
I don’t know who did those, 1 is a love bite, the other seems to be a scratch, so it must have been a quite wild night. Whoever did it apparently didn’t let the actress know about. How else will you explain her confidence in showing off her back that way ? And none of her family / friends had the guts to tell her yo Kareena dafuq is that on your back ?

Though her acting is literally bakwas, still she has so many fans, people love her (I wonder why, she isn’t even pretty 😛 I know I’m mean), how did she forget about her image ? I guess after seeing this on the internet she would have taken better care any other time she wore a backless dress ever after.

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